Makeup Lessons- Private and Groups


          AMR offers makeup lessons that are tailored to each individual with the intent to take all of the guess work out of the makeup application. How do we do this? By customizing techniques and products that suit YOUR face, YOUR features and YOUR lifestyle.  Your look and products are designed so that you don't have to "think", you just "do", and the results are beautiful every time.  It’s like baking the perfect cake everyday.  Imagine someone has laid out only the ingredients you need, measured them out for you and then walked you through how to add all of those ingredients to the bowl and pan in in the right order so that baking is a cinch, and the result is delicious every time.  AMR makeup lessons work in the same way.

          AMR makeup lessons for private clients or group lessons is a combination of assigning products, brushes, and techniques customized by us, the team at AMR, for you- the beautiful woman reading this page! This is so that when you take the time to apply your makeup, you're doing it properly every single time (that's the point, right?)  The creation of your personal palette is guided by 3 factors: 

  1. Your makeup goals

  2. Your lifestyle

  3. Your gorgeous face

Why learn how to do your own makeup?

  • gain more confidence

  • look and feel your best daily

  • develop a professional appearance

  • update or improve your current routine

  • look polished in minimal time

  • understand what enhances your natural beauty

  • know what products are best for your face

  • learn how to modify your look for different occasions

  • find out if the products in your makeup bag are working for you or against you

  • discover what products are all hype and which are the real deal

  • learn the latest trends and how they are relevant to you (if at all)

  • stop wasting money and learn how to spend your beauty dollars wisely

What You'll Learn

  • jazzing it up for nights and events

  • how to give your makeup staying power

  • dispelling the hype about contouring and keeping it simple

  • preventing the cakey, cracky, not so fresh look

  • how to create beautiful brows

  • the 5 minute "I'm late" face

  • what products are worth your money (what brands to buy)

  • color combos that will make you look like a babe

How It All Works

1) Getting to know you!

- You will need to send us two photos of yourself; one without any makeup on and one with you wearing a makeup look you like. You'll also need to fill out the Makeup Lesson Questionnaire.  The photos are to know what you look like while the questionnaire tells us all we need to know about your current makeup routine (or lack thereof), your lifestyle, your personal style, and your budget.  All of which will provide us with enough information to consider your specific needs and find/recommend the right products for you.

2) The lesson

- First, we'll take a look through your makeup bag and see what's working for you and what you can do away with.  We'll then run through your new makeup look step by step.  We'll do one half of your face step by step, and you'll immediately mimic each step on the other half of your face while an AMR team member watches and tweaks your technique as you go.  


3) The review and quiz

- At the end of your makeup application/lesson, you will walk through your look step by step with the AMR team member so that you understand the elements required for each action involved in your look. We’ll ask you questions as we go about brushes, why you should be doing certain things, and how it works in your favour. This is to ensure that you are truly understanding the reasons behind the steps we’ve recommended for you and so that you’ll want to keep up your new look.


4) Step by Step Instructions

- You will receive step by step instructions in writing as a reference guide so that you can follow or refer to it until applying your new fabulous look becomes second nature.  

After the Makeup Lesson

        Once the makeup lesson is over, then the power is all in your well manicured hands!  It's up to you to practice.  You'll have all the tools, visual references and instructions that you need.  BUT!... nothing works unless YOU do it.  Learning makeup is simple and easy when it's tailored to you and it's taught at a proper pace one on one or in a small group setting.  And after your lesson is over, you may think you know exactly what you're doing.  But if we at AMR have learned one thing over the years, it's that the mind knows but the fingers do not.  Intuitively you're likely to remember most of what you're taught.  Practically speaking though, your hands need to repeat those same actions over and over until it becomes second nature and your application is flawless.  We recommend executing your new fabulous look every day for one week.  You'll greatly increase your chances of retention by doing so.

Cost (plus HST, plus Travel)

Private Lesson and Image Consultation

$225 (2 hours)

-individual based, one on one lesson

-at client’s location


Group Lessons

$95/person (2.5 hours)

-group based, minimum 3 people required

-maximum 6 people

-option: at a location reserved by AMR or at client’s location

***Please note that the makeup lessons does not cover the cost of products that participants can purchase through AMR or products that will be recommended for them to purchase on their own.***