Being a makeup artist in a big, exciting city like Toronto is both thrilling and challenging. The city is large, and the buzz around makeup and it's various techniques is hot right now- and so expectations are high and competition is fierce. As an artist of over 11 years in the business, I've never experienced such an intense interest in makeup by not only makeup lovers, but also non-makeup lovers alike. It seems that the possibilities that makeup presents for change and confidence is appealing to all women across the board.
Desi Perkins Youtube channel
Many women are taking it upon themselves to learn makeup art through social media- Snapchat, Instagram, and mainly video tutorials on Youtube. This is great for the overall appreciation of makeup in general as a true art. The drawback is that it seems like every makeup enthusiast on social media is toting makeup wisdom without a true knowledgeable foundation of why some techniques work and when they work. Every face is not suited for the extreme contouring that is now highly in practice and praised at every turn. Not every eye shape takes a cat eye liner well. Not every complexion should sport a dark, Kylie Jenner lip. Although there are some legitimate artists on social media (see Jacyln Hill, Amrezy, Desi Perkins (photo inset), Carli Bybel and a few others), Youtube has created the "overnight" makeup artist out of every 3 girls you meet. And don't get me wrong, all artists must start somewhere- usually at the beginning. The trouble is that techniques are divulged without an explanation or understanding of why they work. Effective teaching requires mileage- you must have enough experience to know what works and doesn't work in multiple situations to teach effectively.
As a Toronto makeup artist in present times, my job has evolved from simply doing makeup for clients, but to also teaching and un-teaching some techniques that are appropriate for the face I'm working on- for the client who has entrusted me with her beauty. The goal is to provide every woman who comes to me looking for a makeup job that makes her feel radiant, and like a better version of herself with excellent execution of her desired look as well as a crash course in what she can do when I'm not around. I now provide a game-plan for women that will lead them to feel wonderful at their own hands, all day every day. Nowadays, this is the life of a Toronto Makeup Artist!